Données de vos cookies

In order to track and attribute every sale that is done on our publisher's websites, digidp uses cookies that are installed on the user’s browsers. How these cookies work and what information they store for the different categories of users, is explained below.

Category - Visitors

Users that use and interact with the digidip platform administrative interface. This covers digidip Admins, Advertisers, Publishers and applicant Publishers. Cookies set are explicitly for providing the basic necessary functionalities to run the common business activities.


  • 2fa_enabled: stores information regarding whether a user is using the 2-factor authentication option. When the login screen loads, the information stored in this cookie allows the browser to remember whether to have enabled or disabled the little “enable two-factor-authentication” switch to facilitate the login process.
    Lifetime: 1 year.

  • digidip_session: stores the unique ID that identifies the user browsing in the platform. Every time the user clicks a link into a different page in the platform, this is the unique identifier that allows the system to know that it is the same user, under the same session, who is “moving” across the platform.
    Lifetime: This cookie is deleted when the browser is closed.

  • XSRF-TOKEN: this stores an additional unique ID that identifies the user browsing in the platform and that is less prompt to be mimicked by a malicious attacker. This additional identifier provides the necessary additional security layer that makes our systems secure and reliable.
    Lifetime: This cookie is deleted when the browser is closed.

  • cookieconsent_status: stores the individual user preferences for cookie usage.
    Lifetime: 1 year.

Category - Users

No cookies from digidip are placed on the users that are visiting our publisher's websites, however, the 3rd party Networks with which digidip works might install cookies on the user’s browser when visiting one of our publisher's websites.

Cookies per Affiliate Network:

The above list might not be up-to-date as new networks are added constantly. For a complete updated list you can always reach out to and we will be happy to provide you with any information regarding cookies or privacy.